Salim Gold
Abbreviated Elegy
When we say we love, we mean to say too,
“God be with you,” not Goodbye. But we can’t
Oust Sorrow from Love’s statements; such sorrow
Looms as birthright—and heritage—and curse.
Feeling its pure form, we sob as if we’re
Two vintage violins. No matter our
Superb experience—coupled and one,
The tears that drown our cries cause us to faint.
True: We’ve neither temples nor transcendence,
But just a song of breath—a dream, our Being—
In transit, but, in love, intransigent,
So it remains fixed, though we’re moved. Removed,
Separate, to bread and milk, we strand vineyard
And wine until our next taste, face-to-face.
Salim (Pure) Gold!
Wonderful Salim! Beautiful images roll into one another as the lines unfold:’We shine best when we melt most’